The Very Latest
le Journal

…and bienvenido, wilkommen, hoş geldin, witaj, välkommen, selamat datang, or however you say it in your native tongue, to The Vegan Gourmand.
The goal of TVG is to promote plant-based living and support vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores alike in our quest to add healthier options to our diets, and to present options that are just as / if not more delicious than non-plant-based options.
There are four parts to this blog: le Journal, Recipes, Reviews, and Guides.
The Journal, or “le Journal” is the log for the day-to-day experiences of living and writing about the plant-based lifestyle. Recipes, Reviews, and Guides are pretty self-explanatory; delicious plant-based recipe ideas, reviews of products, foods, and restaurants, and comprehensive guides for everything plant-based nutrition-related.
TVG is proud to be ad-free. To support me in my efforts, please share the content, subscribe on social, and if you’re really loving it, join my Patreon!
Be sure to check out other awesome content on all our social channels!

Doin' it for the gram...
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I do what I do here (writing and sharing from a unique perspective), the way I do it (commitment to high quality, entirely without ads), because I wholeheartedly believe it fulfills an unmet need, and gives people a path toward a better life. I love it, but it takes a lot of time and money to do it. If you share in that belief of value, I’d love your support.
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