« le Journal »

Chronicling the plant-based journey, and the continued development and evolution of this publication.

11 March 2025
This is a first – the first actual journal post on here. It’s a long one, too! This is a raw look into what it looks like to build out a food blog. For those who are unfamiliar, this isn’t my first foray into food blogging. I got my start back in the early 2010s. Throughout the years, my culinary content creation has gone through several evolutionary iterations, and it’s interesting to me to reflect back on each of them and see how it’s progressed / they’ve differed. I’m proud of how each one has been a further honing toward an incrementally more authentic, dialed-in approach. As much as food blogging itself is a creative endeavor on a micro level – writing the individual articles, recipes, and all else – so too is the crafting of the blog concept, theme, identity, and all the larger overarching things on a macro level. While the articles and recipes have gotten better, the focus and direction and presentation of my ventures is what’s really gained momentum. Over...
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16 March 2024
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eu hendrerit lectus. Sed fermentum, mi sed venenatis rhoncus, quam nunc auctor magna, ac rutrum ipsum ex fermentum neque. Donec enim metus, maximus id diam sed, porta dapibus justo. Cras id dolor non libero maximus tincidunt eget sit amet eros. Suspendisse venenatis tortor felis, et feugiat mauris ultricies id. Vivamus pulvinar consequat mattis. Quisque auctor, nisl eget sollicitudin blandit, ligula est efficitur felis, sit amet venenatis ante justo et sem. Proin tempor convallis tincidunt. Maecenas ac ligula lacus. Quisque venenatis turpis at augue efficitur, at vulputate leo auctor. Etiam facilisis odio a diam porta, vel eleifend dolor laoreet. Nulla consequat turpis non dolor venenatis, in fringilla odio aliquet. Morbi vulputate velit eu nisl faucibus interdum. Integer id odio a tellus commodo vehicula sed ac nunc. Praesent non mauris lectus. Aliquam sed dolor vitae quam dignissim porttitor id ut ipsum. Etiam quis bibendum...
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